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Nama  : M. Zacky Devitson
NIM    : 15.11.1957
Lokal  : PAI A


            The importence of social networking has continued to grow. That’s why Faceboo has easily spread like wildfire among collage campuses ang high schools. Today, it is practically a requirement for collage and high school students to have a Facebook page, or risk being alienated from other students.
            There are certainly many benefits of having a profile on Facebook and regularry updating it. it’s a great way to stay connected to friends and family all over the world.
            Facebook allows users to connect with other users through networks. Many people have met their brothers and sisters who have been separated for a long time.
            People can also deliver updated information about themselver on Facebook so that all of their friends know what they do or where they are today. It is very easy to load a multitude of pictures or videos ti specified Facebook albums. You can “tag” your friends in these pictures, so that the pictures will show up on their Facebook profile.
            Moreover, Facebook provides many games and quizzes. These features are very entertaining. They provide a fun way to keep in touch with friends.
            Despite what most people think, there are also many risk created by Facebook. Even if one’s profile privacy has been restricted, it is still very easy for other people to access the profile. There is always a chance that a “predator” will find information and use it to cause harm. In fact, many users fail to make use privacy settings at all, leaving them that much more vunerable to “online predators”.
            Also, friends may tag you in pictures or videos that you’d rather not have others see. Perhaps, you were pretty wild on one occasion last night, or were even enganging in some illegal activities. If your photos are posted up and tagged in to your friend list, consewuently, a teacher or one of your parents will see these and not be very happy abaout it. there are many people who have not been hired because an employer did not like what they saw on the applicant’s Facebook profile, or photos their friends put on.
            Moreover, Facebook wastes a lot of time. It can be pretty addicting, like any website, so make sure you set a time-limit for how long you can spend on the website, or you won’t accomplish anything. And if you are using a computer for schoolwork, avoid Facebook at all costs, it’s one of the best procrastination tools out there.
            Whether or not you have a Facebook or use it on a regular basis, it is good to know the risks and he rewards, so that you can adjust your habits to make your time spent networking safer and more rewarding.

Part A
Base on the text, answer the questions. Cross (X) the best answer.
1.      What does the text talk about?
a.       Different opinions about Facebook
b.      Ways to use Facebook properly
c.       Steps to make a profile in Facebook
d.      The way Facebook was invented
e.       The history of Facebook

2.      What is not the benefit of Facebook?
a.       It is one of the ways to the express the real us
b.      It enables us to get more knowledge
c.       It provides the most effective way of communication
d.      It offers an alternative activity to kill the time
e.       It helps people build social networking

3.      Which paragraph shows that Facebook is very popular among teenagers?
a.       1
b.      2
c.       3
d.      4
e.       5

4.      What does the second paragraph talk about?
a.       The popularity of Facebook
b.      The benefits of Facebook
c.       The bad impacts of Facebook
d.      The photo album in Facebook
e.       The people you can see in Facebook

5.      Why is it said that Facebook is addicting? Because people can…
a.       Get a lot of knowledge on Facebook
b.      Do a lot of things on Facebook
c.       Spend a lot of time on Facebook
d.      Meet a lot of people on Facebook
e.       Write many things on Facebook

6.      Which statement is not true according to the text?
a.       The writer is conscious about the bad impact of Facebook
b.      The profile on Facebook is not totally restricted
c.       Facebook does not bring any disadvantages
d.      We can upload pictures on Facebook
e.       Facebook can be used for communication purpose

7.      “Even if one’s profile privacy has been restricted, it is still very easy for other people to access the profile.” (paragraph 5)
What does “restricted” mean?
a.       Banned
b.      Opened
c.       Limited
d.      Closed
e.       Prohibited

8.      “… These futures are very entertaining. They provide…” (paragraph 5)
What does “theyrefer to?
a.       Facebook
b.      Features
c.       Fun way
d.      Quizzes
e.       Games

9.      “… There is always a chance that a ‘predator’ will find information and use it to cause harm. …” (paragraph 6)
What does “it” refer to?
a.       Predator
b.      Profile on Facebook
c.       Information
d.      Risk
e.       Facebook

10.  “…use it on a regular basis, …” (last paragraph)
What does “it” refer to?
a.       Website
b.      Facebook
c.       Risks
d.      Rewards
e.       Habits

Part B
Answer the question below.
1.      In your opinion, what are the advantages of Facebook?
2.      In your opinion, what are the disadvantages of Facebook?
3.      Why is Facebook popular among teenagers?
4.      What do you know about the privacy settings on Facebook?
5.      How to set our time for use Facebook?
6.      What is the main idea of paragraph 4?
7.      What is the main idea of paragraph 6?
8.      If we tagged our photos in our friends’ facebook profile, are they can also see that photos?
9.      Base on your knowledge, how to make new Facebook account?
10.  Base on your knowledge, how to login to Facebook?

The answer of the questions.
Part A
1.      A
2.      D
3.      A
4.      B
5.      C
6.      C
7.      C
8.      B
9.      C
10.  B

Part B
1.      In my opinion, the advantages of Facebook are:
·         We can communicate or connect with our friends in other place
·         We can share information and some documents
·         We also can get some information and knowledge from Facebook
·         We can save and update pictures, videos, etc in Facebook
·         Facebook can entertain the users
2.      In my opinion, the disadvantage of Facebook are:
·         We can get some bad information
·         We will lazy to do something
·         The users will lose a lot of time if they can’t manage their time
3.      Facebook is popular among teenagers because Facebook is very entertaining. There are quizzes and games in Facebook. Beside that, they can update their information, videos, photos, etc. They also can connect with their friends and other people in other place. Usually, they use Facebook to refreshing and have fun.
4.      The privacy settings on Facebook are the setting to set who can see our post or updating in our Facebook profile. We can set it be ‘public, friends, friends from friends or just me’.
5.      We can set a time-limit for how long we can spend on Facebook or we won’t accomplish anything, so we don’t lose our time.
6.      The main idea of paragraph 4 is the function or the advantage of Facebook.
7.      The main idea of paragraph 6 is the risks which created by Facebook.
8.      Yes, they are because that pictures wil show up on their Facebook profile.
9.      To make new Facebook account, we can use email or phone number as username. If use email, we must make email first. The procedure to make it are:
·         Enter to Facebook website (
·         Click ‘new account’ to create new Facebook account.
·         Write your data in Facebook. If you use email so write your email as username, if you use phone number so write it as username. You must also complete the other data. There is a code that you must rewrite clearly before you click done/save.
·         If you finish complete it, click done/save. Your new Facebook account ready to use.

10.  To login to Facebook, first, we open the website ‘’ on your phone or computer. Than, write your email or username and password of it. After that, click ‘login’. Your Facebook account will open and you can use it.


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